Gentoo Build Publisher: Manually Running Repo Jobs

Note: Since version 2.2.0 Gentoo Build Publisher (and the CLI) has the ability to pass a --repo flag to the build subcommand, rendering this article obsolete.

The Gentoo Build Publisher command-line interface has the build subcommand, which can schedule a machine definition for a build. For example, If I have a machine definition called "base", then I can schedule a build by issuing the following:

$ gbp build base

You can also pass build parameters to the Jenkins build with the -p flag. That's all fine and good, but what about the "repos" jobs, the jobs the pull from the ebuild repositories? Those run on their schedule, but what if one wanted to kick off a build manually?

Well, there is an undocumented (until now) way to achieve this. Say you wanted to manually kick off a build (sync) of the official Gentoo repo ("gentoo"). This can actually be done using the same build subcommand:

$ gbp build repos/job/gentoo

Replace "gentoo" with the (Jenkins) name of the repo you intend to sync. It's usually not a need to manually kick of a repo build, but is possible in the rare circumstance when it is needed.